Post-endo Restorations: From Apex to Core with No Shrinkage
Presenter: Dr. Marian Fanica and Dr. Cristian Enachescu
Release Date: 2/3/21
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 2/3/28
AGD Subject Code: 070
Reviewed: 2025
The post-endodontics restoration of teeth (after RCT) has structural, biological, chemical, and physical considerations. Much of current education, and literature, remains based on ‘traditional’ dental approaches, including cements and metal posts. Today the practitioner is faced with a bewildering array of adhesives, structural support (post alternatives) and chemical combinations – all before we get to the part that the patient is most concerned with: the esthetics of the final restoration. This CE webinar will help practitioners better understand the alternative materials that are available and their limitations; select and use the right materials / chemistries to achieve complete polymerization, even at the most apical end of the prep; and techniques that result in a final build-up virtually free of shrinkage, that prevents bacterial ingress and provides a sound structural base for the most esthetic final restoration. Dr. Fanica and Dr. Enachescu bring years of endodontic therapy and extensive knowledge of materials to help make post-endo restorative treatment straight forward and successful.
Upon completion of this CE webinar, the students will be able to: • Understand the biologic considerations necessary for contemporary post-endo treatment • Determine from the wide array of available materials, the right combination for each clinical situation • Choose where and when dual-cure vs single-cure adhesives are to be used • Select the right combination of post/adhesive/build-up materials • Achieve virtually no shrinkage by optimizing choice of materials • Enhance the structural integrity of the restored tooth to ensure long-lived success of the final restoration
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